The Cabin in the Woods Wiki

The Killer Robot, also referred to as the Mecha-Scorpion, is a Monster kept in the Facility. It was not listed on the whiteboard but can be seen in the System Purge.

Physical Description and Attributes[]

The Killer Robot appears as an enormous, yellow, spider-like robot with four fast pneumatic legs and three arms; one small one in the front and two long ones in back, armed with loud, squealing buzz saws. The smaller arm is capable of shooting out a pair of grappling hooks to snag and drag its prey closer to it, allowing it to deliver a killing blow. Where or who designed and built the Killer Robot is unknown, but it appears to be one of the deadliest and most affective Monsters in the Facility, being able to kill its victims quickly and with ease.

A whistle is what is used to summon the Killer Robot from the Cabin's cellar, as stated by the film's director himself.


The Killer Robot is first seen during the first wave of the purge; where it exits its cube, and grapples a member of the Security Force and drags him towards it, cutting him into pieces.

Later, the Killer Robot can be seen on a security camera, chasing Facility workers down a flight of stairs, its saw blades scraping the sides of the wall.


  • In the novelization, the Killer Robot has a different appearance. It is described as a "Robot with Flaming Hands" as opposed to its buzz saw type arms.


The Killer Robot is an homage to many fictional robots that kill people- either by deliberate design or by a flaw in their programming. Interestingly enough, unlike other famous homicidal robots, the Killer Robot is not humanoid in shape, nor does it act with any sort of cold logic or precise movements, instead possessing a multi-limbed, quadrupedal body and attacking with wild, feral thrashing. Its animalistic behavior is reminiscent of the many robots produced by Boston Dynamics. Other inspirations include:

  • The Terminators from the franchise of the same name
  • AMEE from Red Planet
  • The Protectors from Chopping Mall
  • The ED-209 from RoboCop
  • Stephen King's short story The Mangler, where an industrial laundry press gets unwittingly possessed by a demon and starts killing people.
  • Stephen King's 1986 film Maximum Overdrive, where all technology and machinery, specifically vehicles, are controlled by alien forces and begin to terrorize and kill humans.

