The Cabin in the Woods Wiki
The Doctors Are In

The Doctors, as seen in the visual companion.

The Doctors are a pair of humanoid Monsters kept in the Facility. They are listed on the Whiteboard and are bet on by the Accounting department. They can be seen several times in the film and during the System Purge.

Physical Descriptions and Attributes[]

The Doctors are a pair of (possibly) human men dressed in white surgical suits. They wear yellow aprons, and have white face masks and matching caps. However, if one looks closely, both the masks and the caps are stitched into the skin of the doctor's faces and heads, fixed permanently in place. They are also splattered with blood and carry medical kits filled with crude tools they use to perform horrid medical experiments and 'treatments' on their victims, their modus operandi for killing. The skin of both Doctors appears to be severely burnt, scarring the entirety of their faces and possibly the rest of their bodies. Whether this appearance was due to some past injury or simply their inherent biology as a creation of the Ancient Ones is unknown. One of the Doctors is shorter than the other, and its eyes appear to have melted off or otherwise been damaged, while the other, taller Doctor appears to be in slightly better condition, with intact eyes. The Doctors are shown to have sadistic personalities, performing their heinous acts of medical torture on any humans they can capture. The surgeries they perform always cause their victim death or severe pain and may be completely experimental or outdated in practice.

Based on their actions during the Purge, it is possible that the larger Doctor serves as an assistant to the other, as it is shown carrying tools when the Doctors first emerge (seen in the Visual Companion) and preparing a victim for surgery by unbuttoning his shirt.

It is unknown what item from the cellar summons them; possibilities include some piece of medical equipment or surgical garments similar to the ones that they wear.


The first time the Doctors are seen is just out of view in their Cube Prison, in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen as the camera pans-out. directly underneath the Giant Ant. The second time they are seen is when Dana and Marty are hiding in the Elevator Lobby's Control Room, on a CCTV monitor, standing idly waiting to be released. The monitor to the left of them is of Fornicus. The third and final time they are seen is up close, when the film is switching between different cameras showing the chaos of the Purge. In theirs, they appear with a male Facility worker who is restrained to a table or has been sedated. One of the Doctors is seen unbuttoning his shirt while the other lifts a bloody, rusted scalpel up to the screen. Before the camera pans out, a man, possibly the one captured by the Doctors can be heard pleading "Please don't cut!".

There is a picture of the Doctors in the visual companion from the scene described above. Here the surgery has started; one Doctor is cradling the man's head while the other makes a large incision along his torso.

The Doctors were also among the monsters on display at Halloween Horror Nights 23 at Universal Studios Florida in 2013.


Cinema has a long history of using the "Evil Doctor" trope with notable examples being Dr. Jekyll or Frankenstein. However, the film clearly references more modern examples, such as Dr. GigglesThe Human Centipede, House On Haunted Hill, or The Dead Pit, which share the common theme of featuring evil doctors who perform cruel and deadly experiments on living people, having little to no supernatural or science fiction elements to them. The film Jacob's Ladder also includes a nightmare scene featuring an eyeless surgeon.

The Doctors may have also been inspired by the clinical fear of doctors and medical procedures, also known as Iatrophobia.

