The Cabin in the Woods Wiki

The Dragonbat snarling at Dana and Marty, revealing the split-mandible structure of its lower jaw.

The Dragonbat is one of the monsters held in the Facility. It is seen on the whiteboard, but no one places a bet on it.

Physical Description

The Dragonbat appears as a large bat/dragon hybrid creature of some kind with segmented wings, red scales on each side and a mouth that is broken into three parts. It's is one of the deadliest and most powerful monsters in the stable. Flying at remarkably high speeds, it emits a loud, screeching roar and tends to eat any living thing it can snatch.

It is possible blurry photographs, such as those of the Loch Ness monster or Bigfoot, summon the creature.


The Dragonbat is first seen flying in its cube prison. It is later seen during the Purge where it grabs a guard and drops and eats him.

Ronald the Intern can be seen holding up a sign to one of the cameras in the main security room, claiming that the monster has his scent and he needs help fast.

It later flies through the window of the control room that Marty and Dana are hiding in, causing them to flee. It then pursues them briefly before killing a scientist and then flying off to terrorize the other government workers remaining in the facility. It flies by the American Slow-Walking Creepy Girl.


This monster is possibly a reference to Marcus Corvinus from Underworld: Evolution, or to the Man-Bat from the Batman comics. 

The bat could also be a reference to the Aztec-Mayan god, Camazotz, who guarded the underworld, or giant death bats, often associated with human sacrifice.
