The Cabin in the Woods Wiki

The Clown is a humanoid Monster kept in the Facility. He was listed on the whiteboard and was bet on by the Electrical Department. He was later released during the System Purge and was seen twice.

Physical Description and Attributes[]

The Clown resembles a stereotypical clown; poofy red hair, red nose, colorful makeup, and baggy, multi-colored clothes with frilly trim. Other than being bulletproof, he has no strange or supernatural features, so the main reasoning behind him being held in the Facility is unknown. However, it could be assumed that the Clown is someone extremely unstable or dangerous enough for him to be kept there.

He is seen carrying a large, curved knife as his main method for killing.

In the cellar, a fortune-telling machine is what is used to summon him.


During the Purge, he is seen mocking Hadley from one of the camera monitors, laughing hysterically as the chaos from the System Purge happens behind him. Later he is seen stabbing an employee of the facility in the stomach, before turning to face a female security guard who is sitting on the ground. She shoots the Clown three times in the chest, but to no avail; the Clown reveals he is bulletproof and is unaffected by the shots.


  • Though the whiteboard says "Clowns", only one clown is seen in the whole film.
  • Earlier in the film, when told that that Electrical had placed their bet, Hadley stated "Did you see who they picked? They're practically giving their money away." This seems to suggest that the Clown is rarely ever summoned to the Cabin.
  • The Cabin in The Woods at Universal Studios during the Halloween Horror Nights event in 2013 featured a clown named Jack.


The "Evil Clown" is a classic horror trope which stems from the common real-life fear of clowns, or Coulrophobia, as well as the infamous serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Other famous fictional examples include:

